Norton vs Webroot: أيهما أفضل؟ ]أفضل اختيارات [2024

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نقارن بين خصائص الحماية والمزايا الإضافية وسهولة الاستخدام وغيرهم من العوامل حتى نساعدك في اتخاذ القرار

Norton أم Webroot: أيهما أنسب لك؟

كامسو أوجيوفور
كامسو أوجيوفور

Norton أم Webroot: أيهما أنسب لك؟

Norton and Webroot both offer good antivirus products in 2024, but there are some key differences between the two. Norton stands out thanks to its perfect malware detection and extras like parental controls, while Webroot offers a high-quality password manager.

In this comparison, I’ll analyze both antivirus’s strengths and weaknesses to help you choose the one that best suits your needs.

Norton vs. Webroot: Final Verdict:

  • 1st place: Norton vs. Webroot: Final Verdict:
  • 2nd place: Norton vs. Webroot: Final Verdict:

Norton has better malware protection, web security, features, and customer support. If you want the best antivirus suite in 2024, go with Norton.

Webroot is easier to use. If you want a decent antivirus with basic features bundled with a top-tier password manager, go with Webroot.

Norton vs. Webroot: Malware Protection

Norton’s anti-malware engine is very impressive. It uses a large malware directory, machine learning, and heuristic analysis to detect all types of threats — it’s actually our top-rated malware scanner in 2024.

The antivirus scanner performed well in my tests. I hid nearly 1,000 malware files on my PC — including viruses, keyloggers, worms, trojans, rootkits, spyware, cryptojackers, and PUPs (potentially unwanted programs) — and Norton caught them all. It took just 40 minutes to run a full scan, and there was no drop in my system’s performance while it was running.

Norton’s real-time protection is also great. To test it, I removed all the malware samples I downloaded on my device, enabled the real-time protection feature, and attempted to download the same set of samples. Norton blocked the download immediately.

Webroot is also good at finding malware. It uses an online malware directory and heuristic analysis to identify any threats. Being cloud-based, it uses very little CPU and disk space when performing scans.

During my tests, Webroot detected 93% of the malware samples I hid on my PC — which is great, but not as good as Norton’s 100%. On the other hand, it’s way faster. My scan only took 5 minutes.

I wasn’t impressed with Webroot’s ransomware protection. It only blocked 5 out of 21 threats in my tests. If the attack had been real, a good number of my programs would have been encrypted by ransomware.

Norton vs. Webroot: Web Security

Norton has 3 tools offering web protection — a privacy-friendly browser (Secure Browser), an extension (Safe Web), and a search engine (Safe Search). Together, these provide an effective line of defense against unsafe websites and malicious files.

Safe Web has anti-phishing protections and an Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) for secure online transactions. It detected the vast majority of phishing websites that I visited, including sites that slipped past Webroot and the default protections of web browsers like Chrome and Microsoft Edge.

Safe Search isn’t that great. It uses color-coded assessments of search results to let you know whether a website is safe or not. However, during my tests, it marked a few websites that I knew to be dangerous as safe.

Webroot provides web security through three specialized “shields”: Web Threat Shield, Identity Shield, and Phishing Shield.

Web Threat Shield is designed to counter web exploits. I exposed my PC to a variety of common exploit attacks, and Web Threat Shield managed to block them all, including exploits for Chrome, Java, and more.

Identity Shield focuses on safeguarding your personal details from threats like webcam hacks, screenloggers, and keyloggers. In my tests, Identity Shield successfully identified every site that attempted to access my webcam, but it failed to block some data mining and keylogging tools.

Finally, Webroot’s Phishing Shield aims to block dangerous phishing websites. It blocked 12 out of 15 phishing sites during my tests — pretty good, but not as good as Norton.

Norton vs. Webroot: Features

Norton offers coverage for up to 5 devices with its Deluxe plan and provides a wide range of features, including:

  • Password manager.
  • VPN.
  • Optimization tools.
  • Dark web monitoring.
  • Parental controls.
  • And lots more…

Norton Family is the best antivirus-bundled parental control app on the market. It also ranks among the best standalone parental control apps in 2024. The app comes with content filtering, YouTube monitoring, app and website blocking, web supervision, usage limits, and location tracking — all of which worked well during my tests.

I really like Norton’s dark web monitoring, too. It scans dark web forums, breach databases, and credit reports to notify you if your information is leaked.

Webroot plans cover up to 5 devices and include these features:

  • LastPass password manager.
  • System cleanup tools.
  • Identity theft protection.
  • And more…

LastPass password manager stands out as one of Webroot’s best offerings. It’s a top-rated password manager backed by 256-bit AES encryption and features secure password sharing and password vault auditing. It operates under a zero-knowledge policy and has multiple 2FA options, something I really appreciate.

Webroot’s system optimization tool is pretty basic. It removes browser cookies and deletes junk files, but that’s about it. I’d like to see Webroot offer more sophisticated system optimization tools like an application uninstaller and a startup manager.

Norton vs. Webroot: Ease of Use

Norton has a clean and intuitive interface. Despite the multitude of features it offers, setting up Norton and getting it running is very straightforward. However, due to the large number of features, getting used to the user interface may require a bit of time. Some features are tucked away in submenus, and you don’t get much guidance on how to find them.

That said, Norton does provide a pretty good web-based dashboard, which I found myself using much more than the desktop app.

Norton provides mobile apps for Android and iOS devices. The mobile apps include a decent number of features including malware protection (Android only), web security, and Wi-Fi monitoring. There are separate apps for Norton’s parental controls, password management, and identity theft protection programs, all of which are easy to use.

Webroot is equally easy to set up and use. The desktop user interface is straightforward and intuitive, with all its features easily accessible via the dashboard’s sidebar.

Webroot makes scheduling scans really simple with its intuitive drop-down menus. You have the flexibility to customize scans to initiate during bootup or when your device is less active. The browser dashboard is also well-organized and easy to navigate.

The mobile apps are intuitive as well but they have very limited features. The Android version comes equipped with a malware scanner and a secure web browser, while the iOS version only includes a secure web browser.

Norton vs. Webroot: Customer Support

Norton provides better customer support than many competitors. It offers phone support, live chat, troubleshooting guides, FAQ pages, and a community forum.

I like the multilingual support that Norton’s phone support offers. It’s available in several languages including English, German, Mandarin, and Turkish.

Norton’s live chat is also very good. I had to go through a virtual assistant to reach a representative, but when I finally did, the rep provided very professional and helpful replies.

The community forum is not very active. A large number of posts remain unanswered, and when answers do come, it usually takes days.

The knowledge base, on the other hand, is more helpful. The FAQs and troubleshooting guides are good enough that you’ll rarely even need to speak to a live agent.

Webroot provides several customer support options, including email support, phone support, a community forum, FAQs, and user guides. But unlike Norton, it doesn’t have live chat support.

The phone support has numbers available in several countries, including the US, the UK, Ireland, Australia, and India. My colleague in the US tested the phone support and found the agent to be super knowledgeable and helpful.

I was impressed with Webroot’s email support. The support agent replied to my query within a few hours — this is faster than most competitors, which typically take a day to reply.

Webroot’s community forum is more active than Norton’s. I made multiple posts and always received a helpful response within a few hours.

السعر الابتدائي
ضمان استعادة الأموال
تجربة مجانية
US$ 29,99
مدته 60 يوم
US$ 23,99
مدته 70 يوم
سهولة الاستخدام
آخر مراجعة إيجابية*لم يتم التحقق من مراجعات المستخدمين
أنا مرتاح جدا مع هذا البرنامج الخاص بمكافحة الفيروسات
أنا مرتاح جدا مع هذا البرنامج الخاص بمكافحة الفيروسات. بحيث يوفر حماية...
أنا أوصي به.
إنه ممتاز لأي جهاز كمبيوتر لأنه يقتل كل الملفات المخفية والتي تبطئ جهاز...
A N Other
Hugo Z
Used various versions of Webroot over many years, since the days of XP!...
Zeeshan Ahmad Bhatti
Webroot SecureAnywhere is great protective tool.
I spent many years to find out a single piece of antivirus which can...
آخر مراجعة سلبية*لم يتم التحقق من مراجعات المستخدمين
لا توجد مراجعات حتى الآن
لا توجد مراجعات حتى الآن
Steve Bartlett
Free trial
Downloaded free trial, tried to uninstall but not showing in Add and...
Extremely Poor Service
Our business has used Webroot for well over 10 years, but the poor service...
كامسو أوجيوفور
كامسو أوجيوفور
Both Norton and Webroot offer quality antivirus solutions, but Norton is the better program in 2024, with perfect malware detection and a comprehensive suite of features, including a secure VPN, dark web monitoring, and top-notch parental controls. Ultimately, Norton provides an unrivaled cybersecurity package. Webroot, on the other hand, has its strengths — in particular, it comes bundled with LastPass, an excellent password manager. However, when compared to Norton's extensive list of features and superior malware detection, it falls slightly short. Norton offers a 60-day money-back guarantee, while Webroot offers an even more generous 70-day money-back guarantee.
حان الوقت كي تقرر أيهما أفضل لك

أسئلة مكررة

كيف أعثر على أفضل برنامج مكافحة فيروسات مناسب لي؟

أول شيء تفعله هو فهم ماهي احتياجاتك، كل برامج مكافحة الفيروسات تأتي بأدوات مختلفة للحماية عبر الإنترنت، لذا تحديد مستوى الحماية الذي تريده سوف يساعدك في اكتشاف المنتج الأفضل لك.

بعض برامج مكافحة الفيروسات تقدم شبكة افتراضية خاصة، وبعضها تقدم امتدادات آمنة للمتصفح، وبعضها يقدم مدير كلمات المرور. بعضها يعمل فقط على أنظمة تشغيل معينة، وبعضها يغطي جميع أنظمة التشغيل على مختلف الأجهزة.

من المهم أن تقارن بين أفضل برامج مكافحة الفيروسات في السوق للعثور على الخدمة المثالية التي تناسب احتياجاتك.

ما الذي يجعل مكافح الفيروسات آمنًا؟

حزمة مكافحة الفيروسات عالية الجودة سوف ترصد وتحدد وتزيل الفيروسات ومختلف أنواع البرمجيات الخبيثة. كما ستقدم أيضًا حماية في الوقت الفعلي من كل التهديدات، بعض النظر عما إذا كنت تتصفح الانترنت أو تنزل برامج أو تتسوق عبر الإنترنت أو تفتح بريدك الإلكتروني. وللحماية الإضافية، تقدم العديد من حزم برامج مكافحة الفيروسات شبكة افتراضية خاصة، وتخزين آمن، ومدير لكلمات المرور، وهي أشياء تضيف طبقات عديدة من الحماية ضد مختلف التهديدات على الإنترنت.

للمزيد من المعلومات عن كيفية عمل مكافح الفيروسات، اقرأ هذا.

ما الذي أحتاج إلى التفتيش عنه عند البحث عن مكافح فيروسات؟

تحتاج من مكافح الفيروسات توفير الحماية من جميع أنواع البرمجيات الخبيثة، برامج التجسس والفيروسات وفيروسات الفدية وطروادة وأي شيء آخر قد يسبب أضرار لجهازك. ويتم ذلك بمختلف الطرق، ولكن أشهر خاصية أساسية لمكافح الفيروسات هي الحماية في الوقت الفعلي ، وتضمن إيقاف أي تهديد نشط قبل أي تحدث أي مشكلة خطيرة.

من الأشياء الأخرى التي يمكنك البحث عنها هي معدلات الرصد الممتازة، وسرعة أداء النظام، وتضمين بعض الخصائص الإضافية (مثل شبكة افتراضية خاصة أو مدير كلمات مرور، الخ) والواجهة سهلة الاستخدام ودعم عملاء جيد والقيمة الإجمالية للمنتج.

اذهب هنا للعثور على قائمة بأفضل برامج 2024.

كيف أعرف إن كان مكافح فيروسات أفضل من الآخر؟

عندما تبحث عن مكافح فيروسات، من الجيد أن تزور مواقع برامج مكافحة الفيروسات المعروفة مثل Norton، McAfee، و Bitdefender لمقارنة خصائص كل خدمة بالأخرى مباشرة.

يمكنك كذلك البحث عن آراء الخبراء والمراجعين على لمعرفة أحدث المعلومات غير المنحازة عن أفضل منتجات الحماية الإلكترونية في السوق اليوم.

تأتي القوائم المعروضة على هذا الموقع من الشركات التي يحصل هذا الموقع منها على عمولات وبعضها يخضع لملكية مشتركة لشركتنا الأم. يؤثر ذلك على: الترتيب وطريقة عرض القوائم. 
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